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Legal notices


Olivier DESMARES (freelance worker)

346 bis rue des Pyrénées
75020 PARIS (France)

SIREN: 499 189 322 – SIRET: 499 189 322 00013
Intra-Community VAT number: FR13499189322 – APE: 6202A

Telephone: (+33) /./ 1 /./ 43 /./ 58 /./ 21 /./ 16 – Mobile: (+33) /./ 6 /./ 60 /./ 40 /./ 07 /./ 08

E-mail: odesmares /@/ ascolteo /./ fr

Editor: Olivier DESMARES

Ascolteo is a trademark registered with INPI.


This website is hosted by phpnet.

97-97 bis rue Général Mangin
38100 GRENOBLE (France)

Personal data protection:

This site does not use “cookies” (small files recorded on your computer), except a short-lived technical cookie generated by our hosting provider. You may however read our help page about cookie removal in order to remove cookies set by other websites.

Your IP address and browser type are recorded for statistical purposes (website audience). This information is kept during 12 months.

Personal information provided through our Contact form will be processed with the strictest confidentiality, and only to be able to fulfill your request. This information shall never be transmitted to a third party. You have a right to update, correct or remove this information according to the French law “Informatique et Libertés” (June 21st, 2018) and the european “General Data Protection Regulation”. You may exercise this right through postal mail sent to the above address. Unless you make a specific request, this information will be kept during one year. The present confidentiality policy is valid only for the and websites. Through hyperlinks, you may be redirected to other websites. These are provided for information only and Ascolteo will assume no liability for the content or policy of these sites.

Our data collection process has been registered with the CNIL as #1251634.

The data protection officer is Olivier Desmares, whom you may reach through the above channels. You may file a complaint regarding our handling of your personal data with the CNIL.

Terms of use:

You may create hyperlinks to this website’s pages, provided they open in a new window or tab, not in a frame or iframe.

© 2007-2025 Ascolteo - All rights reserved